Yet Another Earth Tremor off B’dos

The University of the West Indies Seismic Research Centre last night recorded what was the third earth quake to occur off Barbados within two weeks. The 3.9 magnitude tremor occurred at 10:49 Friday night 109 kilometers north of Barbados at a depth of 10 kilometers. On November 28th a 5.4 magnitude quake was recorded 24 […]
Dengue Alert Due to Rise in Cases.

The Best-dos Santos Public Health Laboratory has reported an increase in positivesamples for dengue fever in Barbados.As a result, health officials are urging Barbadians to take precautions to avoidcontracting the virus which is transmitted by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito. The laboratory indicated that five positive cases of dengue – three cases of Type 2 and […]
Dengue Alert Due to Rise in Cases

The Best-dos Santos Public Health Laboratory has reported an increase in positive samples for dengue fever in Barbados. As a result, health officials are urging Barbadians to take precautions to avoidcontracting the virus which is transmitted by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito. The laboratoryindicated that five positive cases of dengue – three cases of Type 2 […]