Insurers Accused of Blacklisting PSVs

The Alliance Owners of Public Transport says public service vehicle operators are being denied coverage by insurance companies and claims that in some cases they are being charged excessive amounts of money. Chairman of the Alliance, Roy Raphael says that only a few insurance companies do business with PSV operators. Mr Raphael is requesting a […]

Education Reform Plan Laid Out at Town Hall

Education officials insist their reform proposals are still subject to change but have presented at a town hall session a new system for moving children from primary to secondary school that includes a chance to appeal. And, when the system is implemented some students in secondary school may have to shift to a new institution […]

Flash Floods From Heavy Rains

There was flash flooding especially in the north of the country today as heavy rains drenched the country. Videos made the rounds on social media depicting the inundation with several roads rendered almost impassable. The showers have since subsided but earlier met officials issued a flood warning for the country. At the height of the […]