BAMC Divestment Official/All Staff To Be Severed

It’s now official, government is divesting the Barbados Agricultural Management Company, BAMC, and severing all its staff. All employees of the BAMC have been written formally informing them of the plan which government makes clear is part of its obligations under the Barbados Economic Recovery and Transformation or BERT plan. The correspondence under the signature […]
UCAL To Take Over Govt Heavy Equipment/Workshop Operations

Frustrated with equipment breakdowns government is looking to outsource the mechanical workshop and heavy equipment operations of Ministry of Transport and Works and other departments, to the worker-owned UCAL workshop. This has been disclosed by Prime Minister Mia Mottley as she responded to a complaint from a member of the public during the Christ Church […]
Patients Owe QEH $40M

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital reports arrears of up to 40 million dollars owed by the public that they are currently trying to collect. Yesterday the QEH announced that clients with arrears would receive a 25 per cent discount on the amounts owed provided they pay by next Tuesday, October 31st. Chief Operations Officer, Dr. Christine […]
Flash Flood Watch Issued for Barbados

A flash flood watch is in effect for Barbados. The Barbados Meteorological Services issued the watch at 9 15 a.m. Meteorologist David Harding gave details.