Palestinian Supporters To Protest Outside US Embassy Bdos

Palestinian Supporters To Protest Outside US Embassy Bdos

Palestinian supporters in Barbados are staging a protest rally tomorrow against what they call the Zionist aggression of Israel.

Meantime, the Israeli Ambassador to Barbados condemns what he calls Hamas atrocities and urges support for Israel in the conflict.

A group here called Caribbean Against Apartheid in Palestine, is holding tomorrow afternoon outside the US Embassy at Wildey, St. Michael a “Rally for Palestine”.

Secretary of the local group, Lalu Hanuman, highlights the extent of the casualties in Gaza.

The local organization said to comprise concerned Barbadians drawn from a wide cross section, describes the Israeli attacks on Gaza as a genocide campaign.

Secretary of Caribbean Against Apartheid in Palestine, Lalu Hanuman.


Meantime, speaking to Starcom Network News from his office in Panama, the Israeli Ambassador in Panama, who is also the non-resident Ambassador to Barbados, Itai Bardov (Ee-tie  Bar-dove) has condemned the Hamas attack on Israel as a massacre and urges support for the Israelis.

In response to protest planned in Barbados for tomorrow, he had this response.

Israeli non-resident Ambassador to Barbados, Itai Bardov..

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