Immigration Department Steps Up Service

Barbadians will now have the option of having documents from the Barbados Immigration Department delivered to directly to them. This was announced by Chief Immigration Offer, Margaret Inniss this morning during the signing of a memorandum of understanding with the Barbados Postal Service for an expansion of the delivery services. Ms. Inniss stated that the […]
Rally Road Closure Compromise

A planned road closure to accommodate this weekend’s rally Barbados has annoyed this country’s waste haulers who say it prevents them from disposing of hazardous or problematic liquid waste in a timely manner. Public Relations Officer of the Sanitation Service Authority Carl Padmore told VOB’s Down to Brasstacks audience about the plan to temporarily close […]
$100M Waste Water Upgrade for BWA

The Barbados Water Authority has launched a 50 million U.S. dollar project to upgrade their waste water facility from secondary to tertiary level. The ceremony was held at the BWA Sewage plant on Bridgetown. General Manager of The Barbados Water Authority, Keithroy Halliday says this project is vital. General Manager of the Barbados Water […]
Students Council Urges More Talks On Education Reform

The Barbados National Student’s Council wants more consultation and student involvement in the planned education reform. President of the Council, Renee Holdford, tells Starcom Network News the overhaul should align with student’s needs and what they want to pursue as careers. President of the Barbados National Student’s Council, Renee Holdfold
NIS Boss Denies Non-Payment of Salaries

Director of the National Insurance Scheme, Kim Tudor, gives the assurance that all salaries of staff are being paid and promises that any allowances due will also be disbursed. She was responding to claims made in a voice note that is being circulated. Director of the National Insurance Scheme, Kim Tudor.
Man Shot at West Terrace

A 28 year old man has been hospitalized following a shooting at West Terrace, last night. The police say they received a call about ten minutes past eleven last night of a shooting at 5th Avenue, West Terrace Gardens, St. James. Someone is reported to have driven into the area and opened fire, hitting the […]