Mixed Response to Kadooment Bands/Some Sold Out Already

President of the Barbados Association of Masqueraders ,Jason Thompson says preparations for Grande kadooment and Junior Kadooment are well underway. He says that all signs indicate a successful 2023 Crop Over. Meantime, Grand Kadooment bands report a mixed response from patrons so far. General Manager of the Aura Experience Rondel Jones says that his […]
Middle Schools Plan Under Consideration

General Secretary of the National Council of Parent Teacher Associations, Nicole Brathwaite, urges parents to fully participate in the consultation process currently underway about the planned education reforms. She tells Starcom Network News she believes changes are necessary. Ms. Brathwaite notes that the plan is yet to be finalised. General Secretary of the National […]
No CXC Maths Exam Resit/Leak Occurred in Jca

Students will not have to re-sit the Caribbean Examinations Council Mathematics Paper Two that was leaked on social media prior to the test. CXC’s Registrar and Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Wayne Wesley, announced during a news conference today that a combination of the Mathematics Paper One and the School-Based Assessments, SBAs, will be used instead […]