B’dos Electoral System Called “Ponzi Scheme” as Bruce Proposes Major Change
Political scientist Devaron Bruce recommends an overhaul of Barbados’ electoral system to provide for proportional representation. Delivering the Democratic Labour Party’s lunchtime lecture he noted that a party could get a significant number of votes but no seats in the House of Assembly as happened with the DLP in two successive elections. He believes the […]
Edgewater Development To Proceed
Government says the development project at the old Edgewater Hotel site in St. Joseph will proceed but negotiations are taking place to resolve the issues that triggered a protest by residents. The residents have complained that the work will block their access to the Joe’s River gully. Cultural ambassador Anthony ‘Mighty Gabby’ Carter joined in […]
Deadline For Expiry of Old I.D. Cards Extended
Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley has announced an extension of the deadline for the expiry of the old national identification cards which were to become invalid on June 30th. Speaking at a town hall meeting in St. Joseph last night Miss Mottley disclosed that both government and their supplier of the new digital ID cards […]
Drought Triggers Water Restrictions
Government has announced restrictions on the use of water for the next two months. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Water Resources, Santia Bradshaw, says from Monday April 24th until June 30th the public will be required to conserve water. Speaking during a news conference at the Barbados Water Authority’s headquarters, Ms. Bradshaw said the […]