Missing 82-Year-Old Woman

Police are seeking the assistance of the public to find 82-year-old Elmonda Theodore Husbands of Middleton, St. George.
NUPW Responds to Criticism from Talk Show Host and Trade Unions

Acting General Secretary of the National Union of Public Wokers, Wayne Waldrond, has defended this country’s largest public sector union in the face of criticism from trade union leaders and a talk show host.
Barbados Economic Slow Down Possible Say Economists

Economists are predicting a significant slowdown of the pace of the Barbados economic recovery this year and believe it’s doubtful the growth target of 4 to five percent for 2023 will be achieved.
Culture Ministry to Tackling Some Societal Issues

Minister Responsible for Culture, Senator Dr. Shantal Munro-Knight, sees a role for arts and culture as part of the solution in tackling some of the issues in society including efforts to reduce crime and deviance.
National Plan to Address Homelessness in the Works

The Barbados Alliance to End homelessness says a national approach is needed to effectively address homelessness in the New Year.