High Court Rules Parliament Was Not Unlawfully Convened

High Court Rules Parliament Was Not Unlawfully Convened

The High Court today ruled that Parliament was not unlawfully or inappropriately convened.

The landmark case brought against the current Attorney General Dale Marshall by former Attorney General Adriel Brathwaite was to determine whether parliament was properly constituted in accordance with section 36 of the Constitution following general elections on January 19th this year.

Madam Justice Cicely Chase ruled that President Dame Sandra Mason, had properly convened Parliament when she appointed only 18 senators and acted well within her right to seek guidance by constitutional amendments with respect to appointing opposition senators.

The Judge did not accept the applicant’s argument that there must be 21 people appointed on the convening of the first session of Parliament or with respect to section 52 of the constitution that there can only be a vacancy after 21 senators are appointed.

The judge also denied the a request to cross-examine  the current Attorney General Dale Marshall.


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