Atherley laments that no BLP MP has crossed

Atherley laments that no BLP MP has crossed

Former opposition leader Bishop Joseph Atherley has again indicated he would like to see a government Member of Parliament cross the floor to become opposition leader and says he’s disappointed that the no one appears willing to do so.

Bishop Atherley who crossed the floor after the Barbados Labour Party’s 30 to nothing victory in 2018  was speaking as a guest on VOB’s Down to Brass Tacks call-in program.

He says that after that BLP election victory he was offered a position by Prime Minister Mottley but declined as he felt he could be of greater service to the country as opposition leader.

And, he wanted someone else to make such a move following last month’s second successive 30 to nothing BLP election triumph.

In respect of the Prime Minister’s offer of two Senate seats to the Democratic Labour Party he seemed to indicate he considers that to be a positive gesture but urged the government to go further and provide the DLP with the monetary subvention normally given to the opposition party.

He criticized what he said was the withholding of the subvention during the last Parliamentary term.


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