Fatal accident at Black Rock

One person is reportedly dead in a collision between a police vehicle and another car. The accident occurred at the traffic lights intersection near Fairfield, Black Rock, St. Michael by the Sol service station. The deceased is reportedly a civilian who was in the car that was involved in the collision with the police vehicle. […]
Four more covid-19 deaths but positivity rate down

Barbados has now recorded 244 COVID-19 related deaths after four people died over the last two days. On Monday, a 61 year old woman passed away at the Harrison’s Point Isolation Facility. Additionally, three people died yesterday. A 61-year-old man succumbed to the virus at the Harrison’s Point Isolation Facility, an 87-year-old man passed away […]
Port retakes control of cruise terminal/Roach stepping down as BHTA chair

Bridgetown Cruise Terminals, the company that has been running the cruise ship facility at the Barbados Port for many years, goes out of business at the end of the year as the operations revert to the control of port management. The announcement was made by CEO of the Terminal, Geoffrey Roach, at the Barbados Hotel […]
Bankers Association; Credit Bureau good idea

President of the Barbados Bankers Association, Anthony Clerk, says the national credit bureau will benefit both institutions that provide loans, and those who wish to acquire them. Mr. Clerk tells Starcom Network News that this is a framework that has been in the making for many years. He added that the national credit bureau may […]
Tourism on rebound after covid-19 collapse

The Barbados Central Bank projects that the economy could grow by up to nine percent next year as it notes that a tourism and overall economic recovery has commenced but warns a lot hinges on a having strong tourism rebound. This has been outlined by Central Bank Governor Cleviston Haynes in an address this morning […]