The Ellerslie School suspends face-to-face classes due to covid-19 case

The Ellerslie School suspends face-to-face classes due to covid-19 case

The Ellerslie School has suspended face to face classes  after a student there tested positive for covid-19.

By way of a voice note the school’s acting principal informed the parent teacher association of what she called a very unfortunate development.

She said the school would revert to classes online and  appealed to parents to take every care to ensure that their children are safely back home.

This positive test involving an Ellerslie student, comes against the background of a student at the Princess Margaret Secondary School also testing positive.

Education officials decided to proceed with the resumption of face to face classes this week after other tests of students and teachers at Princess Margaret Secondary were negative as were the tests of a student at the St. George Primary School who had been exposed to a covid case.

Ministry of health officials were due to brief the teachers unions on this latest development at Ellerslie and ahead of that briefing a union head that we reached out to declined to comment until that after that meeting.

Starcom Network News understands there is concern among teachers over these developments.

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