Barbados gets upgrade from Standard & Poor’s

Standards and Poor’s has raised its long- and short-term foreign currency sovereign credit ratings on Barbados to ‘B-/B’ from ‘SD/SD’ (selective default). At the same time, S&P Global Ratings assigned its ‘B-‘ issue-level foreign currency rating to Barbados’ long-term foreign currency debt issued in its debt exchange. In a release, S&P  stated that it also […]

12 megawatt temporary generation unit arrived in Barbados

The 12-megawatt temporary generation unit sourced by the Barbados Light & Power Company, following a series of power blackouts, has arrived in the country. In a release today the company said while the delivery was delayed 5 days due to shipping issues at the originating ports, the containers have been off-loaded at the Bridgetown Port, […]

FirstCaribbean International Bank records 69% profit over last year

Barbados-headquartered First Caribbean International Bank reports a big increase in profit for the past year over 2018. In financial statements published today, First Caribbean disclosed that for the fiscal year ended October 31st, 2019, it achieved net income of 170.5 million US dollars, up by 69.7 million dollars or 69 percent, a significant increase from […]

BCCI: Sluggish economy affecting consumer confidence

Barbados commercial sector reports 2019 has been a tough year and that the traditionally peak Christmas holiday season is off to a slow start but they are optimistic things will improve next year. President of the Barbados Chamber of Commerce and Industry Tricia Tannis tells Starcom Network News that a sluggish economy has affected consumer […]

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