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SSA negotiations at a standstill


The National Union of Public Workers indicates there’s no imminent agreement in sight in the impasse between the workers and management of the state-owned Sanitation Service Authority unless the SSA changes its approach to the negotiations.

This amidst a continuing series of public complaints about the garbage collection service on Voice of Barbados’ Getting Down to Brass Tacks call-in program.

The SSA workers have repeatedly rejected the SSA’s proposal to change their work conditions from the current situation where the garbage collection crews have a Monday to Friday work week with weekend work attracting special pay.

The SSA proposes that the workweek comprises any five of seven days. Following the breakdown of the latest round of talks, the SSA board and management have said the matter will be referred to the social partnership.

The NUPW’s acting deputy general secretary Wayne Waldrond called into Getting Down to Brass Tacks to put the workers’ side arguing that the impasse results from a lack of flexibility on the part of the SSA in terms of what they are putting on the table.

Mr. Walrond believes the sticking point in the negotiations stems from the Barbados Economic Recovery and Transformation or BERT program under which there is a drive to eliminate overtime across the public sector


Acting general secretary of the NUPW Delcia Burke also joined the program insisting that the SSA workers are willing to be reasonable if management and the board are willing to be more flexible.


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