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The country pauses for reflection at the start of three days of prayer


A worship session at the Ministry of People Empowerment and Elder Affairs this morning to mark the start of three days of prayer and reflection in response to a recent spate of crime and violence in this country.

The session was led off by Minister of People Empowerment and Elders Affairs, Cynthia Forde, who blames a major shift in culture and values for the current situation.

She expressed concern that traditional Barbadian values, as well as family and community structures, are diminishing.

The three days of prayer take place in the face of Barbados recording to a record nine murders for the month of January, a bloody month that culminated yesterday with a troubled St. Lucy teenager being charged with three of those murders with one of the victims being his own mother.

Miss Forde says the society has changed in some ways and not for the better.

Miss Forde notes the day of prayer is being spread over three days to accommodate the worship of traditions of all denominations. She urges everyone to take time out for a period of reflection.

Minister of People Empowerment and Elders Affairs, Cythina Forde.

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