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Lennox Henderson Small

Small-Lennox-H.-Senior-photo-208x300 FI

Aged 80, affectionately known as “Henny or Hendy” of New Dawn Senior Citizens and Nursing Home, Colleton Land, St. John and formerly of St. Andrew and the U.K, Father of Lennox Small Junior, Grandfather of Joelle, Chelsea and Lindsey, Brother of Wilma Goodridge and Benjamin Licorish, Uncle of Beth Davidson, Joan Stallings and Hal Goodridge, Cousin of many, Father-in-law of Michelle Small all of U.S.A, Friend of many.


The funeral of the late Lennox Henderson Small leaves  L.E Smith Funeral Home, St Michael’s Row, Bridgetown on (tomorrow) Thursday at 8:15 a.m. for the St John’s Parish Church, St John,  where relatives and friends are asked to meet at 10:00 a.m. for the service of thanksgiving.


The cortege will then proceed to the St John Cemetery for the interment.


The organist and members of the choir are asked to attend.

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