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B.R.A Amendment Passes in the House


An amendment to the Barbados Revenue Authority Act, which will require people to have tax clearance certificates, before they can sell property, has been passed in the House of Assembly.

During the debate last evening, Prime Minister- Freundel Stuart rejected the Opposition’s suggestions that the move would negatively impact local businesses. “How can asking people to obey the law and to live up to and discharge their tax obligations, be a threat to doing business in Barbados? How can it be? On whose behalf are the people from the Barbados Labour Party in this honourable House speaking then they try to suggest that this legislation will slow down the doing of business in Barbados?”


Earlier in the debate, Opposition Leader- Mia Mottley, warned that the amendment could potentially reduce land sales, she also urged the government to have the amendment debated before a select committee prior to having it passed. “Let us pause, let us send it to a select committee even if it is with a defined time period of two months. There can be no injury done to the government, to its collection of revenue and certainly we would stave off any deleterious consequences to the economic climate in which business is conducted in this county.”

The Opposition had also hinted that the amendment was unconstitutional, and suggested that it could eventually be challenged in Court.


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