Price Cap Threat “a Slap in the Face” Says Pharmacists

Price Cap Threat “a Slap in the Face” Says Pharmacists

This country’s pharmacists see the Prime Minister’s threat of a price cap on medicines as “a slap in the face”.

Last Friday during a groundbreaking ceremony at the Bayview Hospital Prime Minister Mottley said the government is prepared to cap the prices of pharmaceuticals to ensure they are accessible to all.

But President of the Barbados Pharmaceutical Society, Yolan Pantin, tells Starcom Network News she’s surprised at this development as there’s already effectively a price cap on the vast majority of medicines dispensed.

Ms. Pantin argues that the prices of most of the pharmaceuticals dispensed are already capped to such an extent that the pharmacies sell them at a loss.

Voice of: President of the Barbados Pharmaceutical Society, Yolan Pantin.

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