New Low-Cost Intra-Regional Air Service Soon

New Low-Cost Intra-Regional Air Service Soon

The Barbados government is in discussion with Caribbean Airlines and charter flight operators to create a lower cost inter-regional air service.

The plan previously hinted at by Minister of Tourism and International Transport Senator Lisa Cummings has been outlined further by Chairman of Barbados Tourism Marketing Incorporated, Shelly Williams, speaking on VOB’s Down to Brass Tacks program this morning.

This follows widespread complaints about the difficulty and high cost of travel within the region following the demise of LIAT.

Mrs. Williams says the service may be operational in a matter of months with lower fares than are currently available.

Meantime, Mrs. Williams blames the high cost and other difficulties with regional travel for low bookings at lower end properties in Barbados but insists that high end hotels are heavily booked and denies that numbers overall are substantially down.

Chairman of the BTMI, Shelly Williams.

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